On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 5:09 PM, Maynard, Christopher <
christopher.mayn...@igt.com> wrote:

> Is there a problem with the environment perhaps?
> On Windows, I needed to set WIRESHARK_APPDATA to the location of the
> 80211_keys file in order for this to work.
> Maybe HOME isn’t enough?  Do you have to set WIRESHARK_DATA_DIR and/or
> WIRESHARK_RUN_FROM_BUILD_DIRECTORY?  I was unsuccessful attempting this
> with a recent 2.6.0 build on a RHEL7 system as I was unable to get past
> this error once WIRESHARK_DATA_DIR was set:
> ERROR:privileges.c:153:started_with_special_privs: assertion failed:
> (init_process_policies_called)
> … which I find odd because *tshark* was running from the build directory
> as a normal user, and anyway, *tshark* is only *reading* a file, not
> capturing, so why should it care about special privileges anyway?
What looks strange is that on ubuntu 16.04 it works well. That means that
the environment should be properly set. I can't figure out what changed
between those 2 versions...
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