As I said, that failing install is going to generate a report call either way.  
In this scenario, the install may actually succeed and thereby avoid that 
support call.   Also if that file is critical an installed product could 
possibly still launch the program which in turn could perform it's own health 
check and cause a repair.  During that repair it could be possible that 
whatever is causing the problem would be gone or it could be that you get into 
a repair loop.   
Regardless your probably going to be getting that support call anyways.   The 
question I would ask,  is just how often  does this scenario happen anyways?   
Are we talking about a .0001% chance of happening?   It's quite possibly  not 
even worth the time spent on the discussion.> wrote:
        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
        I would suggest this presumes that the person doing the install knows 
what they are doing! In a corporate environment that may be true and in that 
case you could build installs with vital off (having said that most of our 
installs are run silently so failing is a better option). I think the install 
failing is preferable to having a support call because one “vital” file is 
    From: Christopher Painter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 May 2008 14:48
To: Neil Sleightholm; WiX-users
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] RFC: File vitality

    There is a recent PSDK.MSI thread where Simon Scott suspects a FilesInUse 
pattern bug:


    He thinks MSI is having a false positive on a locked file and that pressing 
ignore results in a successful instalation.  In this scenario, making all 
component files vital by default would actually result in a blocked 


    It would be difficult to predict in advance of shipping a product which 
files might trip this possible bug so IMHO it might be best to leave vital not 
set and let the administrator roll the dice when choosing to hit ignore, retry 
or cancel.  If you don't, you'll be getting the support call anyways since the 
install rolled back.


Neil Sleightholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I would vote for make vital true by default with the option of setting
it off via the command line. I have never really thought there are many
occasions when making a file optional would be ok. I would guess that a
lot of installs (mine included) don't set this but that clicking
"ignore" would actually break the install.


Neil Sleightholm
X2 Systems Limited

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bob Arnson
Sent: 04 May 2008 05:04
To: WiX-users
Subject: [WiX-users] RFC: File vitality

I just posted a request for comments on my blog, to ask about a change 
we're considering to simplify WiX authoring. You can see the post here:

The short version is that we're considering marking all files with the 
msidbFileAttributesVital bit set by default. That's a behavior change 
and we wanted to get feedback before deciding either way. Please read 
the whole post and let us know what you think, either via blog post 
comments or mail on this list.


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