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Jeremy Maitin-Shepard wrote:
> "Suraj N. Kurapati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hello,
>> From what I've learned from regulars in IRC, wmii-4 development has
>>      lost steam. Some say this was bound to happen because garbeam left
>>      wmii-4 to pursue dwm. That's fine if you like dwm, but those of us
>>      still dependent on wmii-3.1 are presently screwed because there
>>      isn't a stable wmii-4 release yet.
>> In case wmii-4 is indeed dead, here is how I would salvage it:
>> 1. discard the editable tag-bars stuff
> I've already produced a patch to do this.
>> 2. discard the "keep stacking mode for this column but show more
>>    than 1 client" stuff
> This hasn't been implemented anyway.
>> 3. add use of client ID numbers in the 9p file system, to avoid race
>>    conditions (as previously discussed in the list)
> I've already done this.  Note however, that the current fs code has a
> much worse race condition whereby invalid pointers may be referenced if
> a file stays open after the client or view to which it relates exists.
> I'm not entirely sure what the best way to fix this would be.  The
> easiest might be to use reference counts and a "dead" flag on clients
> and views, and then just give an IO error if a filesystem operation is
> attempted on a file related to a dead client or view.  Better ways to
> handle this problem don't necessarily fit well with a "filesystem
> model".

I vote for the IO error approach.

>> 4. restore swapping, because we cannot use wmii-2 style tiling
>>    layout without it... heck! even dwm uses tiling layout ;-)
> Presumably this is very easy to do (several lines, which can be copied
> back from wmii-3); I myself don't really see a use case, but it seems
> that you have one.
>> 5. add ability to create empty views
> This is already possible with wmii-4, although an empty can only exist
> while it is current.

Yahoo! This is all so wonderful. :-)

Where can I obtain your patches Jeremy... or is this all a part of wmii-4 now?
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