
ds10...@cam.ac.uk wrote:
> Thanks Rainer
> I'm writing a script for Acrobat reader security updates using examples
> suplied.
> It need to look like:-
>   While latest version of Acrobat reader is NOT install
>         Remove old version
>           Install new version
>           Install any patches
>    Endwhile
> Cobverting this into WPKG XML
> If the check is false how best to group codes together?

There is no repeating of commands in WPKG during
install/upgrade/downgrade/remove. WPKG will just execute the checks, then run
appropriate commands and then check again to verify the commands did what they
are supposed to.

So the checks defined in WPKG should just verify that your desired version of
the Adobe reader are installed correctly. For example by verifying that an
uninstall entry like "Adobe Reader 9.1.2" is installed.

If the check is not true, then the install commands are run (if there is a
previous version installed already - see entry in local wpkg.xml - it will run
the upgrade commands instead).
The commands specified should make sure the updgrade went smoothly.

My Adobe reader package looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<package id='AcrobatReader' name='Adobe Acrobat Reader' revision='912'
priority='50' reboot='false' >
  <!-- Adobe Acrobat Reader -->
  <check type='logical' condition='or'>
  <check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='Adobe Reader 9.1.2' />
  <check type='uninstall' condition='exists' path='Adobe Reader 9.1.2 - 
Deutsch' />
  <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Adobe Acrobat Reader
v.9.1\unattended.cmd"' >
    <exit code='3010' />
  <remove cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Adobe Acrobat Reader
v.9.1\unattended-uninstall.cmd"' >
    <exit code='3010' />
  <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\software.free\Adobe Acrobat Reader
v.9.1\unattended.cmd"' >
    <exit code='3010' />


So if the "Adobe Reader 9.1.2" uninstall entry does not exist it runs my
unattended.cmd (I use the same script for upgrade and installation from 

My "unattended.cmd" will in my case just run the MSI installer to install the
reader (it does automatically upgrade old versions if they exist). If you like
you can also specify a number of commands to remove previous versions but then I
guess you have to care about a number of previous versions (users might have
version 5.x 6.x, 7.x, 8.x or older 9.x installed).

After the install/upgrade command is run WPKG will check again (using the
specified checks) if the software is installed properly. If yes, then it adds
the XML node to the local wpkg.xml and reports success. If the checks fail, then
WPKG will not add the XML node to wpkg.xml and on next WPKG execution the game
starts over.

So make sure your commands (multiple ones might be specified and they are
executed in the order they appear within the XML definition) do a one-shot
upgrade to the desired version. After executing the commands your new version
should be in place.

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