Am 09.08.2012 23:07, schrieb Kyle Conti:
Thanks for the reply!  I am also using 1.3.14 on WinXP x64 SP2 and Win7
64.  They seem to act identically.

I do not use WPKG in the regular way...I have a script that remotely
pushes updates to clients I designate by IP addresses.  I do not run
wpkg on startup or shutdown.  For now, I am just manually running the
forceupdate.bat script to install the packages I have created on
WPKGexpress.  Works great! but...for some reason it makes me have to
reinstall it or else the script fails.


since you aren't using a poll configuration, why use the client at all?

You can do this with a regular scheduled job too.

The client is optional, so I don't have it installed on my Win7 machines at all, since I use a scheduled task that executes WPKG.js directly.

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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