I definitely want to look at whatever you suggest alan. The Echolalia book
sounds fascinating, but then I have always had a thing for zone books.
As for the O'Reilly stuff. It all sounds great, but really
I get enough Geektopia at work so I kind of like to get in a more 18th
Century mood at home, you know, bloody piss-stained caftan clustering
my rusty ankles, the smell of the ripe spitoon, that kind of thing..

I am waiting for a hand-signed version of Damien Hirst's only poetry book
to see what that's like though I havent researched this very deeply. I want to 
what such a famous contemporary artist's poetry looks like.. The book is called 
Cancer age i think.
I can always sell it and pick up the Lingis. I am also getting the exhibition 
catalogue to the Chapman's new show
Like a Dog Returns to its Vomit which curiously resonates with the Baudrillard 
Actually I was a little disappointed at some of the examples or Lack of them 
chose to talk about. Some of the book is interviewlets.
Have you read Zone 6? or Zone 3, or Zone 5? The Journal Alexandria is excellent 
as well.
There's some great stuff in Zone 6. Metametazoa is a great piece. as well as 
the rest.
I highly recommend Goya: The Last Carnival by Victor I Stoichita and Anna Maria 
This is the third Goya book I've read in 3 years. Stafford references him as do 
the Chapmans.

Barbara Maria Stafford is Brilliant, ne, and Yes, I have read it or at it.. It's
a fatty.. I keep it next to the desk as a primary reference.
Everybody should read her work. Not only Body criticism
but her Artful science as well. These are encyclopedic wunderkammernish works.
the illustration lists obscene. As far as the art goes
in body criticism, be sure to check out T. McClean's
The Body Politic or the March of the Intellect. I think that
one image sums up my whole approach, or what i 'think'
is my approach..

Better be hanged than
thus be headed


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Jean Baudrillard's The Conspiracy of Art.

I love this text - I'm about to review a Stafford book (that's how I got
it at the SLSA) - Body Criticism - have you read it? What's your take on
her? Also given your interests, you should absolutely check out Lingis'
Excesses if you haven't, as well as his more recent work - Alan

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt -
revised 7/05 )

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