Ah - I noticed that image right away myself, Hello Dali -

can't think of Dali deploying anything resembling this
except perhaps the canes echo Dali's crutches..

No I see this as part of an older tradition involving
the voices of things, that the character of things
is closely analogous to their being, that there is a
kind of  dual uncanny/unheimlich nature to all embodiment..
This seems far more related to Greek and Roman traditions
of the Grylli..but it's also cartoon philosophy.. what else to call it..
it's philosophy done as a caricature, a physiognomy

a kind of joky, fatalistic, 'humourous' physiognosis

the knees are talking "wee are wretched kneee gotiators"
the arse
the arms

the body as a corporate structure
cryptically echoing our endosymbiotic origins
our Arcimboldian microbial selves

Our bodies are weird evolved architectures like Microbial arcologies
if you've ever read about the chemistry involved in the evolution of vertebrate 
and skeletal structure, its one of the most fascinating and epic creations 

this image is one of the warmest most human ways to say that..
it expresses body wisdom.. there is knowledge in our tissues,
it may have flaws, or be untranslatable, but internally there is a great deal
of untapped bandwidth.. I just think these more humble folksy images
speak to an innocence and charity towards our beastliness that I identify

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