Hmmm, some of those Zen monks would/will enjoy sake from time to time, and then there's what they called "tea head" obtained from drinking lots of cha.


At 01:38 PM 11/29/2005, you wrote:
I take it that you are referring to Christian, thus Catholic, monks here.  Didn't they used to make wine in monasteries in France?  It seems unlikely to me that Buddhist monks anywhere in the world would make either winre or fudge as this might be encouraging intoxication, something which Buddhist monks take a precept to abstain from. Still the apparent reference to mindful breathing at the end of your prose poem makes me wonder. This could be a completely imaginative work, in which case it doesn't matter.  Nevertheless, since there are really monks in the so-called real world, regardless of how sheltered they may or may not live from that world, it causes one to wonder. 

Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Monks are making it to sell. I first wrote see, then
frist. What is the matter with t! his morning except the
voltage of unkindness streaming through the net. My
fingers on the keyboard pick up messages no one
believes were sent. Dear, Hannah,how deeply did you
absorb? The body chemistry becomes pseudonymous with
fibers in the hundreds in the thousands gradually
self-multiplied. My cha is gen mai. I know the word
for tea from JMB. When monks have finished making
sweets they may return to cells. When monks return to
cells they pray. The swift rays of the sun are
measured at a speed greater than crying. When monks
come together they enlist the services to form some
thing to sell so they can live quietly at prayer. I am
on the threshold of ordering five books on the subject
of sustaining which in the vernacular means making
something last beyond its essence possibly. Speaking
of which, a group of ad execs were brought together to
find something they might do with a failed heart drug.
So they looked at what is now! Viagra and they asked
what it could do. Then they invented terminology and
sold that terminology. Sow's ear propped up on a
throne. Publication might mean telling everyone what
you will not accept. The priesthood now will now
appear immune to love of self. Would someone kindly
pass the fudge? Formed with full intention, breathing
in and breathing out. Both individually and in

Sheila E. Murphy

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Dr. John M. Bennett     
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