
Thanks for the wrap on floatutorial. :)

The layout you have done has a number of errors including missing alt tags
and background images applied to the <td> element. I used to do these myself
before I saw the light. Now CSS can do it for you more easily.

This layout is very simple, so why not take the opportunity to move it to
full CSS instead of tables. Here is an example - the containers are styled
quickly to match up with your basic layout:

Two notes:

1. The centering of the yellow container will not work in Win/IE5 or IE5.5.
I donšt think this is a major deal as it degrades gracefully. However, if
you really wanted to, you could add more containers to work around the

2. The system I have used is to build the layout in simple divs with strong
colour. The aim would be to do it fast like this and then test across a wide
variety of browsers - before you get stuck into the fine detail of styling
the content of the page.

This method is what I will be talking about at the next Sydney WSG meeting -
"Coloured boxes - the process of building a CSS layout"


> I've made a small photo gallery for the fun of it, to experiment a little
> with the lessons in Russ's excellent Floatorial Tutorial.  (and if you
> haven't already checked it out, you should - it's at
> http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/index.htm
> Anyway, I'm having trouble figuring out how to centre the groups of three
> images across the page.  They're floated left, so they're aligning against
> the left, as you'd expect.  But how can I take the whole group of images and
> move them to the centre of the page?
> The gallery is at http://afpwebworks.com/beach/index.cfm  and the style
> sheet is at http://afpwebworks.com/beach/styles/beachstyle.css
> Incidentally, this method of doing the gallery is FAR simpler to code than
> the way I've been doing this kind of thing until now.  Another good reason
> to be interested in CSS and compliance.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
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