> OK - so is there a formula to work out PX to EM ?  (at least on a 
> "vanilla" type of setup).

In theory, on the standard browser ;-(IE6 on windows) the default font size is 12 
pixels so in that case 1em = 12 pixels.

Or it should be until you start playing with it with font-size=76%.  But for some 
reason using font-size=76% 1em = 12px and 60em = 720px with text-size medium.  If you 
use text-size smallest 1em = 9px and text-size largest 1em = 18px.

> And I am not sure what you were saying in the line that had 
> (60em) in it.

I use a container div 60em wide to hold all my content. That way no content is wider 
than 60ems 720px. Max size for a 800 by 600 screen at text size medium..

> On the JavaScript front..... that is something I want to 
> avoid.  I was not even sure I could play around with the font size in 
> JavaScript - but I  would not consider this to be "standard". 

Just playing with the style font-size in the body tag.

Try and finish this later got a couple of nasty problems to solve.

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