Yeah pretty well what I was thinking I mean in practice CSS files are often shared and the very process of using CSS based layouts v's tables already trims a huge load off the page size anyway. It just seemed almost scarily ...thorough... to be trimming the stylesheet in this way as well.

Though as I said if you have an auto trimmer/de-trimmer then fair enough.


Any web server worth it's salt will gzip compress static files, which makes
trimming all the whitespace a bit pointless. Ditto with any crazy-assed
class naming scheme you come up with to make things smaller.

I learnt most of what I know about HTML, CSS & JS from viewing the source of
pages that had something I thought was cool, so I think it's kinda nice to
make my stuff as readable as possible for anyone doing the same these days.
Also helps when I come back to make changes 6 months later & wonder WTF
things do :)

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