Hi all,

I've seen words to this affect quoted several times recently:

>Tables are for tabular data only, 

and I agree with that philosophically but what is tabular data?

To me the third option from Chris:

>I would like to see a third version that uses a combination of the two, the best of 
>each method merged.. The Hybrid Approach.

is very legitimate. 

There was a discussion recently where making a 3 column page using a bare table to 
create the 3 columns was suggested as 3 column layouts that are truly functional 
across all browsers is very hard to do, and that suggestion was decried by some as not 
fitting "the webstandards morality". I feel that 3 columns of content _is_ "tabular" 
and as such is ethically tolerable.

Widening the scope of the topic a bit I also ponder the complex use of CSS to create 
workable layouts across all browsers, divs inside "container" divs and kludges 
everywhere, etc., as you often end up with a mess of divs that are just as hard to 
work through as tables and the accessibility, from, say, a screen-reader's 
perspective, is often no better than a table-based design.

Using the 3 column example I mentioned earlier a single 3 column table holding the 
column content exactly as you want it (if I remember correctly the earlier discussion 
was about a layout with a fixed width RH column for news and proportional for the left 
and centre columns) is a lot less messy than the equivalent in pure CSS. Shouldn't 
that be the way to go?

I'm for accessible  hybrids :-)




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