Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Manuel González Noriega wrote:

Often, markup errors, like natural language errors, are most likely typos than anything else. Therefore, i don't really learn anything from them

You learn that you should validate anything before making it live (just like you'd spell-check and proofread anything before going to publication in the print world, for instance). ;)

Spll chckres? Whats' taht? :o)

Seriously, I don't want to come across as a lousy coding apologist, I just was pointing that error-handling was one of the main differences between XHTML and HTML (if XHTML is served correctly) . I'm all for obsessive validation, but nowdays I'm more for obsessive validation against the HTML Doctype.

I wanna share a link, found via Bloglines, that's very pro-XHTML. How fair and balanced is that?

Manuel trabaja para Simplelógica: apariencia, experiencia y comunicación en la web. # (+34) 985 22 12 65
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