On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 23:34:17 +1100, Ryan Sabir wrote:
> I'm often seeing the problem where the HTML loads before the CSS,
> leaving a second or so where you can see the raw structure of the site
> before it gets the stylesheet applied. For example:

Its called a FOUC - a flash of unstyled content.

> Does this problem happen with other browsers? 

From memory, it only happens in IE5.5 and Safari
(ok, that probably means it happens in Konquerer too...)

> Is there a way to
> avoid it when the site is browsed using IE?

Yep, a call to a javascript include, even with a blank link, will kill 
Its late here, so my memory may be faulty, but I beleive the idea is it 
gives the browser something to do (trying to work out the script) 
instead of displaying the HTML while the CSS loads.

Errrr, correction - thats what the site author has to do. I don't 
believe the visitor can fix it if they find a site demonstrating it.

~ thinking about bed...
Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - I Understand the Internet <http://elysiansystems.com/>
Search Engine Optimisation, Usability, Information Architecture, Web 
Brisbane, Australia
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