Chris Stratford wrote:

Wow,wow,wow slow down Alan,
... <snip>
I LOVE TSW WebCoder.
Built in FTP is Excellent!
Built in Project Manager - with Status reports, To Do Lists, Full Project Upload
Built in Server Mapping.
Preview in IE and Mozilla - only for HTML coding, or if your server mapping...
HTML Tidy is built in...
Built in HTML/CSS Validator - on the fly validators...
Own Scripting Engine, to build your own UI or just functions...

Reading the above I decided it wouldn't kill me to try this out. Normally I use an editor just to have clear code highlighted, but this one is terrific. I especially like the download/edit/upload. A great timesaver for sure, and I haven't checked out all of it yet.

Thank you Chris, you have made my work easier. That's what the group excels at, helping each other :-)

Bruce Prochnau
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