I was referring to wrapping text on the markup site:

Like so:

<p>Hello, this is
wrapped, like so,
do you see?</p>

rather than:

<p>Hello, this is wrapped, like so, do you see?</p>

In both cases, UAs will render the content exactly the same... I was wondering if there were any advantages to the former... I heard something about some obscure UAs ignoring content beyond the 80th Column or something

-David R

Jeroen Visser [ vizi ] wrote:

The most important situation in which word-wrapping is useful is with justified text. Good word-wrapping prevents awkward word spacing in such text, rendering it more legible.

There are a few pittfalls though, with word-wrapping: it is language dependent and browsers are basically morons with regard to text-handling in general and word-wrapping in particular.

The only element I know to provide predictable word-wrapping is [wbr], but this is a non-XHTML element, thus needing a modified DTD which includes this element. And then again: [wbr] doesn't add a hyphen when a word is actually wrapped, so it is mainly useful in wrapping URL's and the like. The soft-hyphen (&shy;) is sometimes used for wrapping purposes, but it was never intended for such use and produces unpredictable results across browsers.

Word-wrapping will only become a viable online typesetting option when browsers are capable of tapping into an OS provided spelling/wrapping/ grammar system. In such a situation, I can imagine a browser actually picking up [lang=""] attributes in mark-up to switch between wrapping rules and authors only needing to specify 'on' or 'off' for word-wrapping, e.g. through: p { word-wrap: (auto|no-wrap); }.

Until then, I just don't use any justified texts online. ;-)


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