> tee wrote:
>> In this case there are only 36 access
>> keys we can use. How can one solves this dilemma if a site involve
>> with more than 36 pages?
> It might be enough to use accesskeys on your main navigation (home,about
> etc).


My site is fine. I don't need 36 access keys :) It has three versions :
English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Each language has 8
menu but I use same access key for index.htm page which is the English page.
I think it maybe too confusing and troublesome for people. I am thinking
perhaps having two separate sub domains for chinese pages will allow me to
have same access key for 3 versions within the site.

> I've not seen your page, so I don't know if the MainNav includes more than
> 36 pages.
It's just something I thought I better know now than later in case a
potential client wants every page to have access key.



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