> Thanks for your explanation of the Chinese problems for Mac IE users.  I'd be
> really grateful if you could point me to concrete examples of these problems.

Richard, I made a simple example here:
If it's still not clear enough and you need more examples, please let me
know, I'll see what I can do for more testing however it may have to wait
till early next month as I'd been so busy with work lately.

>Let me note that my understanding is that the majority of Chinese characters
> display fine.
Yes, the majority Chinese characters display fine, but again, not in IE 5
Mac with UTF-8 unicode coded.

 >My guess would be that the characters required to display link
> text saying Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese in Chinese would also
> work fine - please confirm, if you can.
Yes, It works fine in Safari and Mozilla; in Firefox it works fine most of
the case but I notice a few characters got missing.
In IE, it's hopeless and annoying, everything shows in "?", not to mention
the texts that do not render well at all.

> Wrt my suggestions, note that I said use utf-8 'if you can'.  (Note also that
> much of the time we will be referring to use of utf-8 on pages that point to
> Chinese pages, rather than pages that are in Chinese, so this would not always
> be an issue.)
> I'd really like to get better quantification of the size of the problem.  If
> you can help me there I'd be v grateful.
As far as my experience concerned, it's a total mess for IE Mac.
> Also, there's the difficult problem of whether we should care about people who
> use outdated technology.  I don't think there's a good answer to that.
I agree with this. However for most web designers, we have too much to
consider, our surviving mainly depend on client' interest. And what is the
client's interest? We all know.
With my own website, I can move forward, use the latest technology but I
really don't think I'll have same freedom when working on my client'
> other hand, user agents are free so for issues centring on *them* I'm
> reluctant to relieve the pressure on people to upgrade.

This is not entirely true. OS 9 users have limitation on what browsers they
can use. I don't know if some thing goes to Win 98 users.


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