> Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media]

> I am having some difficulties to position the content of 
> <legend> using CSS
> in Firefox. 

Legends are notoriously difficult (impossible?) to style consistently
across browsers, and yes...in addition to that, FF seems to put
additional roadblocks in the way - see for instance the recent thread
about my little "frugal google" experiment

Now, as far as giving the legend a background as wide as the fieldset:
as you found out, FF ignores any width even if you try to force display:block
You may have some success using padding on the legend - but that will
obviously make for inconsistent results. You may have to experiment with
more esoteric solutions such as giving a non-repeating, top positioned
background to the fieldset itself (but again, I'd be surprised if it
can be made to work reasonably well across browsers)

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
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