Hey List,

Just a question - I am using a XHTML 1.1 Strict DTD.
It seems that you cannot giveform elements or anchor elements a "name" this causes a few issues...

#1 - anchors - when I have a SKIP TO CONTENT link.
It doesn't like the NAME I have given the <a>...
Isn't this the only *proper* way of anchoring inside the page???

#2 - forms - when I have custom buttons (javascript: document.formnamehere.submit())
That doesn't work.
My problem is that form buttons don't look or act the same in all browsers, so I use a <a> styled like a button.
When they click it, it uses that javascript to submit the form.
But it requires the form to have a name...

Why is the NAME attribute ruled out nowfor those two elements?
Doesn't that have a very limiting effect on the forms?
I know <input> can have a name - because it works with <label>...

Any ideas?
Sorry if this has been discussed over and over - just it has never come up with my work before??

- Chris
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