The problem is, it's always going to be a different season for everyone, it doesn't really matter if its set to the server time or not. The only way to get around it would be to do an IP detect to check what hemisphere the user is in. Maybe in the future..

Thanks for the link about the stylesheet switch, I guess doing it in PHP would also fix it too, I wouldn't have to worry about the user the having Javascript enabled.


Christian Montoya wrote:

On 11/28/05, Samuel Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, it's my turn for a site critique:

What I'm worried about:

 - A new stylesheet loads depending on what season your computer clock
is currently in, it should also load a default stylesheet if you don't
have javascript enabled, is their any browsers that might have a problem
with this?

A problem is see is there is a flash before the new stylesheet is
loaded. The page was orange/red and then the javascript happened and
it was green. There are ways to have Javascript work before the page
loads, one example used for another stylesheet modifier is here:
Read through it and see if the technique used there could prevent that flash.

Or maybe you could do the stylesheet based on the server time and not
my computer's time... that would also solve the problem... I mean,
it's snowing here... is the page supposed to be green? Or is it
because the weather is nice over there?

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