On 04/12/05, Bob Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2. A friend just got back into the web design game after a long time
> away. He sent me his site: pure HTML 2.0, no doctype lots of tables
> and the usual tag soup.
> I mentioned to him that things had changed and he should "get with"
> the modern way of doing things. To his various questions as to why, I
> gave all the right answers, but in the end he said if it works, why
> change? I viewed his site in all my various MAC & WIN browsers, it
> worked just fine in all of them.

Are you asking for the benefits of standards-based design or the ROI
of it? It's on like 1000000 trillions of documents and books written
since 2001. Give him a Zeldman or Cederholm book for Christmas :-)

a veces :) a veces :(
pero siempre trabajando duro para Simplelógica: apariencia,
experiencia y comunicación en la web.
http://simplelogica.net # (+34) 985 22 12 65

¡Ah! y escribiendo en Logicola: http://logicola.simplelogica.net
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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