
Seems like you are not looking for solution, but for simple encouragament to stick with tables. Ok, if the only solution you are going to accept is table,

Is there anything to gain in these discussions by you always being so polemic

If you have nothing except "snide remarks" to contribute, make way for those who may want to lend a constructive hand.

Why does it seem I'm looking for encouragement, when I've stated 100 times I'm looking for a solution?

Just because I've stated that if a solution (P7 javascript not withstanding) does not exist that does not involve a table, you non- table people should at least admit it.

In reality I have evidently hit upon a problem with "pure" CSS. The fact that it may not be a problem for those who do not have clients asking for a certian site design is irrelavent. I do and am seeking a way to satisfy them and do "pure" (in the spirit of this group) CSS at the same time.

Regarding the sites you listed, I went there and didn't see any that fit the criteria I have laid out.


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