On 2/20/06, Martin Heiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   On the other hand, I don't know anyone who changed the default
>   font-size in his/her browser, but lot's of people (mostly designers)
>   who prefer smaller font-sizes.
>   Well, the question is: Which group of people is more important? Or
>   better: Is there a way to please both groups?

Designers might know what looks good but that doesn't mean they know
what is effective and/or profitable. If you are making a site that is
intended to make money and it will have a lot of body copy, it won't
hurt the client any if the default font size is somewhere around
14-16px (in "em"s, but you get what I mean). Most users might say that
the site is "unusually big but very comfortable on the eyes," and
that's not a bad thing. I've never heard anyone complain about the
text being 100% of the default.

In the end there's no reason to please other designers but you do have
to balance pleasing the client and the users. You can try to assure
the client that default text size will not hurt their business, but
there are no promises that they will listen.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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