>Woah!  They're such low resolutions, do you only have a 15" monitor?

Gee you guys ... not everyone has the latest 'n greatest in equipment.

My work (government) PC has a 17" mon, 800x600 (because I LIKE this
res, and I wish I had a dollar for every site I have to horizontal
scroll on). My department has no budget for "extras" like fancy new
My home PC "only" has a 15" mon, 800x600. I cope.

I will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to 1024x768 (but then,
this is the girl who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into '95
from 3.1). Of course I test at it, but I won't work with it, and I
will certainly never go higher.

Someone recently on this list was expressing difficulty in being able
to test their site under different environments, and someone else
(most unpleasantly, I thought) suggested they set themselves up
"properly" and buy extra machines etc.

Err.. we can't all do this. I'm sure I'm not the only one working with
what many of you consider less than adequate equipment. We're all
different, and work under different circumstances either by choice or
by necessity.


(I've been to the dentist too)

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