Herrod, Lisa wrote:
here's me showing my greeny status again... ;) What do they mean when they
mean when they say that.. :(

"a newsgroup post that is deliberately incorrect, intended to provoke readers; or a person who makes such a post "
Close enough.

I hope this thread won't devolve into a debate about trolling - we'd be totally off topic if so.

FTR, I agree with most of what Daniel says, except:
* the subdomain thing - although I havent experimented with it -
* the page-name.some-technology, in implimentation. I tend to end all my pages in html no matter what I am using server side because a) it says 'webpage' and b) the technology for turning extensions off is flakey and I find putting a single page per directory inefficient in workflow - it has to work on both the developers and the users side!

Lea de Groot
Brisbane, Australia
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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