Ah, usability - it's all good fun till someone gets sued.

While I'm sure that Craig and his team are operating with the best of intentions, I agree with Andreas that different users will do things in different ways.

I know I would not dare to put out a site with a "Certified Usable" branding, regardless of how usable I thought it was. Someone is sure to disagree with me.

Is PTG indemnifying clients against litigation when more than 10% of users find the site unusable? If not, what value does the certification have for the client?

How do you guarantee a site remains usable after the certification is awarded?

I don't know about Aus. or the rest of the world but, in New Zealand, if you hold that a product or service has a particular characteristic, you run afoul of consumer protection legislation if it does not for a significant number of consumers.

Interesting that someone is trying this - let's see how long it lasts.


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