Dave Lane wrote:

I find it oh-so-frustrating to have a site designer decide how my browsing should work, breaking web conventions

Opening new windows *is* a web convention, of long standing, your
lack of approval notwithstanding.  :-)

... if it insists on opening a new window, it pisses me off, because that's not how I work.

But that's /you/ -- *not* everyone.

I've done usability tests where users *preferred* off-site links to
open in another window. There are other circumstances where opening
new windows -- help, typically -- is desirable, even necessary.

It's all about context.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

                           dream.  code.

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