
The other aspect of XHTML Strict DTD, the client won't even know unless I take my time to explain everything but this target stuff is something they will notice if they ask me to open certain links in new window. That's why I need arguments against this. :)

XHTML Strict and 1.1 has no target attribute, I do not know why the HTML 5 is keeping it?

Steve Olive wrote:
On Tuesday 24 July 2007 23:49, Ryan Lin wrote:
Hi all,

With the XHTML Strict DTD, forcing a new window to open for a link via
target="_blank" is not a valid semantic method anymore. I myself believe
that whether to open in a new or current window should be user decision,
not wed designer/developer. If I am using Strict DTD, the only way to
achieve opening the new window is through JavaScripts.

So what argument should I give to my clients not to use target="_blank"
? If I say that won't validate your page, they won't care. So any
non-technical argument that I can give to them?


The argument must be why you are using the XHTML Strict DTD, not about one small component of XHTML Strict.

What is interesting though is that HTML 5 is keeping the target attribute:

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