On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 13:19:21 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Personally I prefer links to open in the same Window. But that's me. And I 
>> don't want
>> to force my preference on anyone. That's why it's nicer to leave it to the 
>> user to
>> decide. The only way to let users decide is to open links in the same window 
>> by
>> default and teach said users a function of their browser they may not be 
>> aware of. Or
>> to provide some "preference" control widget.
> Sorry but I don't agree...to a point. As a web designer and user myself, I 
> prefer
> opening another window IF it is to a different website that I am referring 
> them to.
> That way the customer doesn't go wondering thru the other website and forget 
> to come
> back to mine. Mine will always be open in the background to remind them (kind 
> of like
> I'm the one they came to the dance with).
> Now if the link is in my own website, then of course I prefer them to be in 
> the same
> window. I co not believe you have to TEACH a potential consumer/buyer to use 
> your site.
> It should have a natural flow and be easy to use.

Hmm. What's "easy to use" when you wind up with a bunch of spawned
windows that must be closed one by one? What's easy about watching out
for warnings from my pop-up blocker that I'm trying to open a new window?
What's easy about new windows compared to the convenience of tabbed 

What's wrong with indicating external links in some way? Why not add
a short note to your page: "right-click on a link to open a new tab or

Just asking.


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