> Well that's a matter of opinion (preferably a matter of legal opinion).

The thing is, it really should be, but right now, there aren't many
laws written that protect much of what occurs online (read as: none).

Sometimes I am glad thats the case however.

I bet everyone around here has a website thats still alive and kicking
on the Net filled with nested layout tables and nonsemantic HTML. What
if all of a sudden, you have to fix those evil mistakes because a law
is introduced that says you have to? And if you don't, you go to jail?

But then again, who is accountable when that building you built
collapses in a pile of rubble solely because you forgot a few
important bricks?

As time goes by, websites will probably become so intrinsically linked
to our existence that it would be catastrophic to be without access to
the services or information they provide. When that day comes, and God
help us, we will expect and demand access for everyone. Fair nuff.

For now though, I get by when the Internet Banking servers are down
and I fire up my copy of Parallels and Windows XP to run a Windows
application to lodge my Tax return. Just as I believe it's entirely
possible blind people will surf to another website because "this one
is crap". It's only a mouse click after all - if they can use a mouse
that is, maybe its some other assistive technology.

Speaking of Microsoft, AHHH another big company to bash, does anyone
else find it strange that no one has sued them for the countless hours
lost to the incompatibilities of IE? I have a few years owing by


> > P.s A braille issue of Playboy - is it perverted that I think this is a 
> > cool idea??!
> You know this exists right?
> http://www.banterist.com/archivefiles/000305.html  [link is safe for work]

I was hoping for a something a bit more graphic... Hehe.

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