On Oct 8, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Designer wrote:

Look at the work he's produced : http://www.seftonphoto.co.uk.

<sigh> yes, I'm afraid you're right...

I've been hand-coding since the day I found Pagemill (remember Pagemill?!?) wouldn't do what I wanted. And there's certainly a learning curve involved in transitioning from table-based layout, but well worth it in terms of increased efficiencies.

But then I did a view source on the page you mention - my heart sank at the sight of the dreaded "MM_preloadImages()"... And of course, as long as "web development professionals" use "WYSIWYG" (and as long as those "professionals" never look to see the mess that is in fact "what you get") then I guess sloppy sites will be cheaper.

And why suits like the T****t class action are, sadly, probably the only way that a truly accessible web will ever come about.

Thanks - now I'm depressed!


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