
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the quiz on and off the WSG.

Now to share the results with you.

1.  Does your company have a single overarching intranet, which is the
first point that everyone goes to, with sub sections for various
groups OR do you have a separate site for each section or group within
the company?

7 out of 8 respondents had an over-arching intranet home page.

2.  Is your intranet built on a standard set of templates reflected
across divisions, or are your sub sites or various intranets very

6 out of 8 respondents had a standard set of templates. 2 had more
flexibility or less standardisation depending on how you look at it.

3.  If a new service/resource was being launched in your organisation
would the announcement be made via email or via the intranet?

5 of 8 would use email alone, or in combination with other
announcements. 3 respondents had less of an email culture and would
announce via the intranet.

4.  Do you utilise any collaboration tools. (discussion boards, wikis,
blogs etc?)  If so do they enjoy a good level of user activity and

This question attracted the most diverse responses. From not using
collaborative technologies much at all, to discussion boards which are
hardly used, to good levels of activity.

This has helped me realise that in some ways our intranet is going
well. It's cohesively stored and managed. We are gaining traction with
wikis and blogs, although discussion boards seem the most challenging
to get engagement with.

We need to work on building understanding of the importance of global
navigation, and other issues relating to consistency. We need to
emphasize information design over graphic design!

Thanks again,
Vanessa Toholka

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