Rick Lecoat wrote:
I'm recreating a table-based site that I did a few years back,
rebuilding it (hopefully) to web standards and making it as accessible
as I can.


It is working far better than when you wrote for a check a week or so ago.

It is, imo, a little daunting to arrive on it at 116.5 dpi-- the font start point (at which one might begin to scale the fonts) for the content text is very tiny; and, the value contrast a little weak. I am not so sure the "top" links are really necessary as this is a keyboard function for most experienced users. And whether the "coda" information should be the same font-size as the content text is yet another matter of opinion, as is whether it should be there in the first place (I think I'd opt for deleting everything but "privacy").

Some IE users, myself among them, run all versions of that browser in "accessibility" mode at text-size "largest" with font-sizes ignored-- your page /may/ wish to accommodate same.




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