thought i'd throw in my two cents.

firstly i was in your position a couple years ago, using dreamweaver. at a certain point i realized i didn't know what i was doing or what was going wrong when things didn't view properly. i hadn't heard anything about box models, didn't know what padding or margins were, and basically didn't understand anything about html. so i set dreamweaver aside and took the plunge. fortunately on the css-d list, someone was kind enough to take me under their wing and hold my hand... much like you are receiving here. it was a steep climb, yet i still have a few hairs left on my head. Opera has a good introduction to web design that might provide an overview. good luck.

http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/1-introduction-to-the-web- standards-cur/

On Nov 24, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Bruce wrote:

kate wrote:

Thanks Bruce,

Best viewed lolol was funny to read because about three years ago someone created an awesome site for me with Wordpress. He worked the China Red theme and wrote nin the sidebar best viewed in IE5 or higher.

I never knew then about testing in different browsers and I really don't think he did either. One day someone sent a mail to me to say did I know its the only browser your site works in *is IE5...honest to God Bruce when I put it in Validator (someone said to) there was over 400 errors. That lol was my first hard lesson learnt.

I would not know how to hand code in Notepad but I am impressed by people that can..who knows I may try it.
Thanks Bruce!

a help I came across 3 years ago was Layout Gala, a series of layouts by Alessandro Fulciniti.

I found looking at these in an editor, and making changes such as adding inner div's taught me a lot.
They have been rock solid across all browsers and op systems.

I'm not saying everyone should make all sites with these, but saying these and others done by members here are a definite shortcut to learning, preferred from stating by scrating your head and looking at a blank screen in an editor lol.

Of course there are many other methods that can and should be learned, and sites such as maxdesign and positioniseverything, (and many others in this group!), have a ton of important and vital information.

"To be the best, learn from the best..."


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