>First off, no, it's not possible. The technology doesn't exist today, or
>we'd all have self-driving cars already.

It is possible...there's just not sufficient will and money to make it
a widespread reality.  But that's another topic for another day...

Anyway...the first time you are forced to compromise your work in a way
that even itches a little, I want you to walk out and leave that pay check
behind right there.  Continue that walk and wait until you get hungry
enough and some of those vaunted "principles" will be tossed aside like
so much waste.

Like you said, accessibility is *generally* a low-cost proposition.
But, in many cases, complete accessibility can drive the cost of a site
500% higher, depending on functionality that has to be adapted.

Blind people using websites and blind people driving.  The cost is not
the same, but the principle is...it's all about the level of accommodation
that can be afforded or is appropriate.

Believe me when I say that I'm happy when as many people as possible can
be accommodated.  I just don't get bent out of shape because some people
don't care to accommodate others.


-----Original Message-----
From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Matt Morgan-May
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 6:50 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Who's responsible (was Re: [WSG] add to favorites?)

On 3/25/09 12:12 PM, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
> The correct design (and web standards that are adhered to or not)
> is that design for which the client is paying.

Sorry, but that just reads to me like a way to excuse slipshod work. It is
one thing to figure out any old way to collect the check, and quite another
to think out all the angles and produce something that reaches the largest
possible audience. I think the latter is far more professional, and all of
the people I now work with, and all the ones I think of as successful in web
design/dev, sweat those details.

I've personally refused jobs before based on the knowledge that
accessibility was being left out. So I know it can be done. Whether others
would do the same is a question of their own judgment, not their

> A standard could be imposed on all concerned that would make driving
> accessible to the blind...it certainly is technically possible...however,
> the cost is simply too high to make that a reality.

First off, no, it's not possible. The technology doesn't exist today, or
we'd all have self-driving cars already.

Though what this has to do with pragmatic accessibility for web pages, which
is generally a low-cost proposition for most of what's out there, is beyond
me. Making content more accessible is not a boil-the-ocean strategy. Most of
the basics for web accessibility take little work, and are easy to integrate
into the average dev's everyday tasks. The only time it can be really costly
is when it's been ignored the whole time the work was being done.

> Likewise

(...in that they are both referenced sequentially in one email...)

> site owners may be under time and monetary restraints that
> prohibit making their websites accessible to all.  Or they may just choose
> not to...again, it's the boss's choice, not the designer's.

So, let me boil this down: web accessibility is like blind people driving.


I think the only thing they may have in common is your willingness to
contemplate them as an implementer. Which is fine, in and of itself. I'm not
the boss of you. But if you're trying to equate the task of following a few
best practices with reinventing the world's transportation infrastructure,
well, good luck with that.


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