I think that if these texts are anchors for internal navigation or links
with relative URLs for pages on the site shouldn´t have no problems.
2009/5/26 Lea de Groot <w...@elysiansystems.com>

> On 27/05/2009, at 2:26 AM, Spellacy, Michael wrote:
>  It was recently brought to my attention that a few elements I
>> have placed on a site that have text indented 9999px to the left for
>> accessibility might be viewed as a form of cloaking by some search
>> engines. Is my colleague correct in this assessment? If so, is there a
>> middle ground that can be met to make search engines and visually
>> impaired folks happy?
> Yes, it is an issue, and at times people will jump on it.
> It really comes down to how much you've done, and what it looks like.
> Its the sort of thing that will be picked up in a manual review, and they
> aren't that common.
> I tend to use a class name like class="accessabilityonly" for these fields,
> in the hopes of giving a reviewer at least a clue as to what I am doing, but
> it isn't a well defined field.
> The litmus test is: if you took them out., would you be more worried about
> the search engines not seeing your text, or the accessability
> implications...
> hope it helps :)
> Lea
> --
> Lea de Groot
> Elysian Systems
> Brisbane, .au
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