On 2009/5/29 tee wrote:
> Thank you so much!!! Never look into Prototype scripts, as a matter of fact,
> I'd been working on getting rid of most Prototype scripts from Magento. One
> more to get rid of.
> Will fix it for my projects and file a bug report to Varien instead of
> Prototype community :-)
> Can you tell me exactly which line the code is in prototype.js? I tried look
> into but couldn't find.

Well, my "fix" is just a patch for this specific case, I would not
really use it without further testing. It is in the viewportOffset and
clonePosition functions of your prototype script, around line 2096.

Also please note that I don't think you can fix the problem by setting
left: 0!important in CSS because "search_autocomplete" needs a (non
zero) left value. You could try something like
  #search_autocomplete { left: 730px! important; }
assuming that widths in your layout won't change.

Another thing that could help, since the script computed left value
seems relative to the viewport instead of the first positioned
ancestor, is to remove (reset to static) the position:relative on
#container.  But of course, since this "relative" is probably there
for some good reasons, removing it may create other problems.

What really should be done is to investigate why the prototype
clonePosition does not seem to work correctly in IE8 (with
absolute/relative elements).

Best regards,

Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test

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