Hmmm... I do not really remember.
I have used both together and separately at different times.

By enclosing a form control with a label you will have a little more control
over relative styling since you could something like this:

        label:hover input {outline:solidl}

or have more precise placement and control over their location relative to
each other:

        label {position:relative;}
        input {position:absolute; right:x;}

I think there are some older browsers that like one method over the other.
Just a few thoughts.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 13:35, Tom Livingston <> wrote:

> On a slightly related topic, I have wrapped inputs inside of labels
> for browser compatibility for the label clickability/focus issue
> (based on some research some time ago), but have just read for the
> first time recently, that this is not a good idea. Any thoughts?

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