On 19/08/2009 20:04, David Dorward wrote:

On 19 Aug 2009, at 19:35, Tom Livingston wrote:

On a slightly related topic, I have wrapped inputs inside of labels
for browser compatibility for the label clickability/focus issue
(based on some research some time ago), but have just read for the
first time recently, that this is not a good idea. Any thoughts?

It isn't really a bad idea. It isn't as well supported as using the for
attribute, so you should use that as well. Beyond that it is a matter of
person taste.

Well, I haven't personally verified this, but there are apparently some interoperability drawbacks to nesting inside labels even when you also use "for" and "id", i.e.

  <label for="name-field">
    <input id="name-field" name="name" type="text">



More generally, folks, see W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative's advice, which includes some reports about poor support for implicit labels:


Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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