-----Original Message-----
From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Tom Livingston
Sent: 19 August 2009 20:10
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] Accessible Forms

The reason I use this was because I found an easy way to style forms that
included the broader compatibility for the clickability of labels for focus
with the flexibility of layout with the inclusion of a span

<label for="name">
<span>First Name</span>
<input type="text" />

I use this a lot for putting the label text next to the input, instead of
stacking, and it gives easy control of this layout.

Any info on the wrapping of inputs in a label being bad would be


We recently tested this exact construction (with the appropriate 'id'
attribute in the <input> element) and got surprising results with JAWS. It
does not associate the text label with the form control even though they are
associated in two ways (the 'for' and 'id' attributes and the fact that they
are enclosed in the <label> element.

JAWS does associate the text label and form control if the <span> element is
not present but that limits your styling options. I have no idea why JAWS
behaves this way.

Steve Green
Test Partners Ltd

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