2009/10/16 Jason Grant <ja...@flexewebs.com>:
> Ollie you are threading a dangerous ground there.
> Explained here why you are
> wrong: http://www.flexewebs.com/semantix/semantic-uses-of-h1-h2-h6-html-tags/

Good link for this thread Jason. Although I don’t understand why the
company name would be inappropriate semantically to use as the h1 on
the home page.

The home page represents the company. If I Google for a company with
it’s name as a keyword I would expect to find their home page. Using
it on every page of the site is a different matter.

For this to work the 'logo' would be text which would be styled with
CSS to look like the logo in a browser. As an alternative I expect the
alt text of an image would likely suffice (not so sure on this one).

To put on my hat with horns to present a possible issue with my own
suggestion; I would point out that using a different structure between
pages of a site can be confusing for a screenreader user; But then,
home pages often are a different structure to topic-specific sub pages
anyway so I don’t expect anyone would get upset about it.

I’ve been doing this for a few years now so if I’m wrong I’m keen to
be corrected!


The defence for using two h1 elements in a page makes some sense to me
from the same perspective that it makes sense to put the company name
in every page title alongside the subject of the page eg: "[title]SEO
and semantics - WSG blog[/title]".

You have to draw the line somewhere though, as too much emphasis is no
emphasis at all.

Interesting discussion - thanks to those at WDS09 who introduced me to
this group!
Ollie Boermans

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