On 18/08/10 21:16, Prisca schmarsow wrote:
See this HTML5 doctor's site article:

The example with the strapline that article links to is this:

<h1><a href="http://miniapps.co.uk/"; title="Home page"><span>MiniApps</span></a></h1> <h2>HTML5 apps for Apple iOS, Google Android &amp; other mobile platforms</h2>

Just heading elements as descendants of <hgroup>, if you want to have anything else use <header>.

I am using it for that purpose. I wanted to give each page/site section
it's own strapline, a page summary if you will... So I felt the <hgroup>
would give it this meaning rather than classing the entire header as
mere <header>.

No, it's <header> that would give that meaning,


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