On 11/22/11 6:32 AM, Frances de Waal wrote:

Working with the semantical HTML5 elements I keep feeling aversion
to the extra elements I am producing. Like the nav element, using it
as a container for a menu in an list does not feel as an advantage,
I never needed a container for the list before. I trained myself in
keeping the code as clean and small as possible and now I am simply
creating more elements.

How about a nav element containing just links? I can think of answer
myself like that a nav element may also contain a header, or contain
paragraph with links inside the text. So this could lead to the
conclusion that (with keeping in mind to never use an element unless
you need it) that I should only use the nav element in such cases,
and that a nav element around a simple list is not adding anything
to it but creating more code.

Anyone having any thoughts on this?

FWIW - I also include a heading element inside the <nav> element (or
<div class="nav"> ). This is for the benefit of non-visual agents, or
for cases where CSS is not applied. ("Go naked day" ???)

  <h2>Site Navigation</h2>
     <li><a href="??">Home</a></li>

This heading is not needed where convention dictates the purpose of the
links - as in the case of a menu bar, for example. So it can be moved
off screen or otherwise visually hidden, but available to screen readers


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