Hello, WSJT-X development team,

I installed WSJT-X from wsjtx_1.4.0-rc2_amd64.deb on my Ubuntu
system.  For what it's worth, I'm using the LXDE desktop.

But WSJT-X does not show a menu bar.  I cannot enter settings
such as call sign or locator.  Pressing F1 or F2 results in no discernible
reaction, either.

Any suggestion how I can make WSJT-X display the menu bar?
Or else find out what is wrong?

FWIW: A long time ago, this Ubuntu installation started as 12.04 plain
Ubuntu. Then I didn't like their fancy desktop, so I installed XFCE
packages (and threw out quite a few Ubuntu unity things) and was happy
with what I had for quite some time.  Recently, I upgraded to 14.04,
and switched to LXDE as my desktop of choice shortly thereafter.

So this computer may have a somewhat peculiar mix of packages.

On the other hand, I think if the package dependencies of the WSJT-X
.deb are correct, that should not matter.

Here follows my installation report on wsjtx_1.4.0-rc2_amd64.deb, with
some suggestions of my own sprinkled in.

I went to http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx.html and read

> Be sure to refer to the online WSJT-X User's Guide for the relevant
> program version:

The "for" can have a meaning different from the one intended, as in
"please refer to Joe for ultimate guidance".  I initially did
misunderstand this sentence, to say something like: "Please refer to
the online WSJT-X User's Guide for advice about choosing the program
version relevant for you."  And then I was actually looking around for
the link to that guide and didn't get it.

Suggestion: To cater to temporarily dense people like myself,
change that text to something like

> Depending on the program version you want to use, be sure to refer
> to the WSJT-X User's Guide version that corresponds to it:

I installed libqt5multimediawidgets5 and libfftw3-single3 and
libgfortran3:i386 as recommended by


I found I also needed to install libqt5multimedia5-plugins, not
mentioned in the guide.  But dpkg clearly told me so.

Suggestion: Add libqt5multimedia5-plugins to the list in the guide.

In passing: Why is libgfortran3:i386 not in the dependencies of the .deb?
If it's needed, it should be there in the .deb. But neither ldd nor strace
seem to think it's needed. So probably the guide needs some pruning?

Vy 73 de Andreas, DJ3EI

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