On 12/04/2016 12:21 PM, Bill Somerville wrote:

Hi Bill,

> this seems to be a problem with some versions of OpenSSL not handling 
> intermediate certificates correctly. I have added a handler for these 
> type of errors that allows you to ignore them in r7359. I am not able to 
> test this here as I cannot reproduce the errors. Can you build and test 
> that version please? I am particularly interested to know if requesting 
> multiple sample files causes multiple message boxes to appear, if that 
> is the case then I need to do something more complex to cache the exception.

Trying r7359 now.

Help --> Download samples

An error window says:

The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found

Then, I pressed "Ignore", in the error window. Then "Refresh" in the
download window. New error window:

The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found

Then, I pressed "Ignore", in the error window again. Then returning to
the download windows, I pressed "Refresh". The window was blanked, then
the downloading bars. ISCAT, JT4 and MFSK144 are all fixed at 50 %.

Now, I check "JT65" and an error window says:
The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found

I press "Ignore", now another error window:
The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found

I pressed "Ignore" again. The new error window: Network Error
Connection closed.

Best 88 de Claude (DJ0OT)

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