Bonjour Jean,

On 3/5/2018 2:45 AM, Jean Raynaud F8RZ wrote:

Disappointed by the timing, which practically precludes EU from participating... And yet, if you want to see the effectiveness in difficult conditions, what better QRM generator than EU can you find ?

tongue in cheek... !

Yes, if you and others in EU want to participate in the first public test of FT8 DXpedition Mode you'll need to stay up late or get up very early.

Obviously it's impossible for us to select a time for the test run that's optimum for everyone. This time it was essential to choose times that would be reasonable for two hard-working team members of the Baker Island DXpedition, AA7A and N1DG.

Who knows? After analysis of the first test we might decide that another one would be useful. We might then place it on a weekend, something more like 1700 UTC, using "daylight" bands. Or we might try to accommodate friends in VK/ZL. Or ...

        -- Joe, K1JT

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