> Probably we can add more flexibility if some information will be passed
> over Internet, for instance free text messages and GRID, it will spare more
> bits toward sensitivity on the radio interface.

Ok, Igor, but then I would prefer to call the new modes "Weak Internet

Nico / IV3NWV

2018-09-01 0:33 GMT+02:00 Игорь Ч via wsjt-devel <

> Hello Joe,
> .
> It was excellent example with the WSPR QSO, just thought we can get
> additional FT8 gain if some messages at QSO will be transmitted as 'hash
> hash' / 'call hash' / 'hash call'   instead of callsigns.
> .
> Yes, there is a trade off between the sensitivity and protocol
> flexibility. Probably we can add more flexibility if some information will
> be passed over Internet, for instance free text messages and GRID, it will
> spare more bits toward sensitivity on the radio interface.
> .
> Other option is to pass some message's hash over Internet while
> transmitting this message via radio interface, it will also spare some bits
> toward sensitivity.
> .
> Proposed by Take JA5AEA variable code rate: we can pass information on the
> code rate over Internet at the QSO, hence appropriate decoder can be used
> per each message. The same approach can be implemented with the variable
> protocol where protocol details, for instance i3bit, can be broadcasted
> over Internet.
> .
> Leaving callsigns(hash) and report to the radio interface and combining
> radio interface messages and traffic over Internet in the FT8+ protocol we
> can marry JT65/JT9 sensitivity and FT8 rate of QSO.
> .
> I do not believe any new mode outside WSJT-X is a good idea, it would be
> more efficient to keep going in the common direction.
> .
> 73 Igor UA3DJY
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