On 11/29/2018 11:03 AM, Stephen Ireland VK3VM/VK3SIR wrote:
Any chance of coordinating a better time/band for testing?

The times selected (0200 GMT) are the worst possible times for long-haul, cross-equatorial propagation from your parts on 40m under current solar conditions. 0500 on 20m may provide better results for both you and us south of the equator.

Thanks and 73
Steve I

Of course we know that any time selected will be less than ideal in some parts of the world. The hour-long practice sessions promoted by the WSJT Development Group were scheduled after we requested input from subscribers to wsjt-devel. We went with the advice received (which, as I recall, came almost entirely from NA and EU). Our main goal -- the developers, that is -- was to test the program's operational and user-convenience features.

Please feel free to define and promote any practice session(s) that make sense for you. W0YK did just that for the session last evening. At least 73 people showed up, we had fun, and it provided useful input for future programming enhancements.

        -- Joe

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