Firstly, a Happy New Year to all - I hope everyone has enjoyed or at least 
survived the 'festive 

Further to my posting on 22nd December about 4-character qualifiers in the Tx 6 
not 'sticking', I've observed another (possible) oddity when using 4-character 
qualifiers in the 
Tx 6 message...

If I add the 4-character qualifier of, for example, ASIA to the Tx 6 CQ message 
it appears to 
be sent as one would expect, ie. as CQ ASIA G0HDB IO82.  However...

I recently wanted to call CQ for stations in Zone 3 so I tried adding the 
qualifier of 'ZON3' to 
the Tx 6 message; when this was transmitted it appeared as <CQ_ZON3> G0HDB IO82.

Similarly, when I tried calling CQ with the qualifier 'W6W7' the outgoing Tx 6 
appeared as <CQ_W6W7> G0HDB IO82.

I haven't found anything in the documentation or archives to explain what 
constraints there 
might be on using 4-character qualifiers in the Tx 6 CQ message or to explain 
why some 
qualifiers but not others appear to cause the CQ plus qualifier to appear 
inside the angle 
brackets - is this the expected behaviour?  Can anyone shed any light on this, 

73, Martin G0HDB

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